A Bachelorette Party in Tuscany?

The cooking class experience was very interesting and it was a truly unique experience, as you can imagine: 😉
The photo of the ravioli over which we see the landscape is one of my favorites and the tart, it will because of the air, will be because of the happiness of so many women coming together…anyway it was really delicious!
Enjoy it and then use the jam that you like!
Prep time: 20 mins
Cook time: 25 mins
Total time: 45 mins
- 10 oz all-purpose flour
- 4 oz sugar
- 1 egg yolk
- 2 whole eggs
- 5 oz butter
- 1 orange (or lemon) grated zest
- 9 oz Apricot Jam
Cooking Directions
- Mix the flour with the sugar and make a mound with a hole in the middle.
- add in the egg and egg yolks and beat them with a fork
- add butter, cold, cut into very small pieces
- mix together the flour slowly picking up from the sides toward the center of the fountain with eggs and butter.
- sprinkle with the grated rind
- work the dough with your hands very quickly to
- give the dough the shape of a ball
- cover it with film
- let it rest for half an hour in the fridge
- roll out the dough on a sheet of parchment paper to the desired size
- transfer the dough on a baking pan (about 24 cm diameter)
- prick the bottom of the dough with the tines of a fork
- pour over the dough rolled out the contents of a jar (250g) jam (in our case it’s apricot jam)
- Bake in a preheated oven at 400 °F degrees for 25 minutes
- When the room smells of biscuit … the tart is ready!
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